Natural Health And Wellbeing

Yeast Infections From Antibiotics

Yeast infections from antibiotics are common. Antibiotics cause yeast infections by killing all the bacteria in your body, and you need good bacteria to protect you from Candida overgrowth. Once your body can no longer protect you the Candia grows in numbers and then it mutates into an aggressive fungus. It's this fungus that is causing your symptoms. Your body needs to start taking control of the yeast again so your infection can be successfully treated.

Your intestinal flora

Your intestines have a bacterial balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria and yeast. The friendly bacteria keep everything else under control. These are the bacteria that you find in live yogurts. When you take a course of antibiotics they kill all of the bacteria in your body. They don't just kill what was causing the infection they were taken for. Once the friendly bacteria have been killed then the yeast can start multiplying.

We swallow Candida yeasts every day when we eat. This is why they start breeding so quickly after a course of antibiotics has been taken. If your diet is high in sugar then you'll laos be feeding the yeast as they are being ingested.

How to treat yeast infections from antibiotics

The fungus that is causing the itching and discharge in your vagina is just a symptom of your infection. The fungus isn't the cause, the fact that your body is allowing the yeast to mutate is the cause of your chronic yeast infections. A yeast infection for too long means that you're not treating the reason why the yeast is mutating, you're only killing the fungus. You must stop the yeast mutating if you want to cure your Candida overgrowth.

Yeast lives in your body naturally, and there's nothing that you can do about that. Your body has always kept it under control, and it's that control that you need to get back. Yeast infections from antibiotics are the result of your body no longer being able to keep the Candida under control.

Getting the right expert help

If you've been taking antibiotics and now have a yeast infection then you have destroyed your body's natural defenses. Just killing the fungus is not going to cure your infection because the Candida that you swallow on a daily basis will just mutate into more fungus, and the new fungus will be more aggressive than the last lot. To successfully treat your Candida you now need to kill the fungus naturally, and you also need to strengthen your body's natural defenses so the infection doesn't become recurrent/chronic.

Sarah Summer is a yeast infection expert who has helped so many men and women worldwide who were suffering from Candida overgrowth, and now they are yeast free. Sarah will help you reverse the damage the antibiotics have done to your body so that you don't start suffering from recurrent infections. You can read how Sarah Summer can help you here - Sarah Summer's Natural Cure For Yeast.

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