Natural Health And Wellbeing

Yeast Infection Symptoms

Yeast infection symptoms are different for every sufferer. Below you will find out the most common symptoms for male and female yeast infections, and intestinal yeast infections. These are only a guide, and if you feel you are suffering from any kind of Candida overgrowth you should see your doctor for a correct diagnosis before you attempt to treat yourself.

Symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection

Vaginal yeast infections are usually the first symptoms you will experience if your body is suffering from Candida overgrowth. This is because the vagina is a warm moist place, and warm moist places are the Candida fungus's favorite places to populate. Symptoms are...

  • Grayish/white vaginal discharge
  • Vaginal burning, itching and general discomfort
  • Soreness in and around the vagina and vulva
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Painful urination

As mentioned before these symptoms are only a guide, and other vaginal, bacterial infections can have similar symptoms which is why it's very important to get a correct diagnosis from your doctor before you start treating yourself.

Male yeast infection symptoms

Although not as common, men get yeast infections too. Symptoms in men can be...

  • Irritation, soreness and itching on head of penis
  • Penile discharge
  • Painful urination

As with the women, men should see their doctor also to get a correct diagnosis.

Intestinal yeast infections

Intestinal yeast infections are a bit more complex when it comes to the symptoms. These can vary massively in sufferers, and is one of the main reasons why doctors never diagnose them. Intestinal yeast infection symptoms include...

  • Chronic vaginal or urinary infections
  • Chronic fungal infections such as athlete's foot, ringworm or " jock itch "
  • Rectal itching
  • Chronic fatigue, especially after eating
  • Allergies ( including both food and air born )
  • Severe pre-menstrual syndrome
  • Gastro Intestinal problems such as: bloating, gas, intestinal cramps, chronic diarrhea, constipation, or heartburn
  • Extreme sensitivity to chemicals, perfumes, smoke, or other odors
  • Acne
  • Prostatitis

Symptoms of systemic yeast infections

Systemic yeast infection occur when an intestinal yeast infection perforates the walls of the intestine, and then the toxins and the Candida get into the bloodstream. Symptoms of this type of infection include...

  • Muscle pains
  • Aching joints
  • Lack of concentration
  • Foggy brain
  • Depression
  • Memory loss, severe mood swings, and feeling mentally " disturbed ".
  • A feeling of being light headed or drunk after minimal wine, beer, or certain foods
  • Irritability

These symptoms will very rarely get diagnosed by a doctor as an intestinal yeast infection. Most sufferers get incorrectly diagnosed, and then get treated with anti depressants fro the mental yeast infection symptoms, and treated for conditions such as arthritis fro the physical symptoms.

I once was a sufferer of an intestinal yeast infection, and this type of yeast infection can't be cured by anti drugs, and needs to be cured naturally. I was lucky to find Sarah Summer's natural cure for yeast infections which you can read more about here - Sarah Summer's Natural Cure For Yeast.

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