Natural Health And Wellbeing

Will A Yeast Infection Go Away Untreated

Will a yeast infection go away untreated? There's a simple answer to this question, and it's no. Yeast infections are caused by an aggressive fungus that start life in your body as the Candida Albicans yeast. Fungus breeds at an alarming rate already, but you have the yeast in your body mutating as well so you need to treat your infection as soon as possible.

Mutating Candida yeast

We all have the Candida yeast in us, and out body's natural defenses keep it under control. Once the yeast is no longer under control it will mutate into a fungus. It's this fungus that is causing your infection, and also causing the itching and burning you're suffering from. A yeast infection won't go away untreated because there is a reason why the yeast is mutating. If you don't find the reason the it will continue to mutate until it destroys your good health.

The fungus feeds on your skin cells

The itching is caused by the fungus feeding on your skin cells, and it will continue to get deeper into your skin looking for fresh cells to feed on. This will make your infection more difficult to treat because the creams that you use have to penetrate your skin further to kill all of the fungus. This increase the chances of creating a resistant yeast infection as any fungus left behind after the treatment will mutate into a stronger strain.

Natural yeast cure

A lot of yeast infection sufferers don't want to cure their infection because they don't want to use anti fungal drugs. If this is you then you can use a natural cure that will strengthen all of your body's natural defenses so the yeast no longer mutates in your body.

You can read much more information on a natural cure that has been used successfully by tens of thousands of women worldwide here - Sarah Summer's Natural Cure For Yeast.

I hope that answers your question, "Will a yeast infection go away untreated?"

Recurring Yeast Infections.

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Sarah Summers natural cure for yeast infections

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