Natural Health And Wellbeing

If Yeast Has Taken Over The Intestines

If yeast has taken over the intestines then you must start treating your internal Candida infection as soon as possible. Once the Candida has been feeding on the walls of your intestines for too long they become perforated, and then you'll start suffering from a host of other symptoms that your doctor will not associate with yeast overgrowth.

Stop feeding the yeast

First off, you must stop feeding the yeast. It needs to be starved so it becomes easier to kill. Our modern day diet that is filled with sugary foods and refined foods that feed yeast. It needs to be starved and killed off so your friendly bacteria can start taking control of your intestines again.

Your immune system

As the yeast takes a greater control of your intestines your immune system will suffer. Friendly bacteria is needed for s strong immune system, and the yeast overgrowth will completely outbalance your intestinal flora so the beneficial bacteria has no effect on your good health. You also need your immune system to be strong so you can fight of the infection naturally.

Anti fungal drugs are only a temporary cure

If you take drugs to fight of the fungus it is only a temporary cure. Your body is allowing the yeast to breed, and you must stop the breeding before you cure your infection. If you just kill the yeast then it will keep coming back until you strengthen your body's natural defenses. Only your body can stop the yeast breeding, and this is what happens in a normal, healthy person. We all swallow yeast everyday, but it's the natural defenses that kill it off and stop it from causing an infection.

Curing your infection naturally

If yeast has taken over your intestines then you need to cure your infection naturally. This will give your body the strength it needs to fight off the infection, and then stop the yeast from re-infection you in the future.

You are invited to read more about a natural yeast infection cure here - Sarah Summer's Natural Cure For Yeast.

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Sarah Summers natural cure for yeast infections

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