Natural Health And Wellbeing

Untreated Urinary Tract Infections

Untreated urinary tract infections are cause for concern as they can lead to complications later, but many women still consider them. A urinary tract infection should be diagnosed, and then treated as soon as possible. It's usually first time UTI sufferers that hope their infection will go away untreated as they don't understand what is causing them, and what damage the E coli can do to their kidneys.

E coli bacteria

The E coli bacteria that causes the symptoms of your urinary tract infection will first attach itself to the inside of your urethra, or to the inside of your bladder ( commonly known as cystitis ). You will however hear people use cystitis as a general term for any UTI. If the E coli is left to do want it wants to do it will eventually work its way up to your kidneys.


Nephritis is the name for a UTI of your kidneys, and this is what will happen with untreated urinary tract infections. If your infection gets this far you could end up in hospital taking antibiotics on a drip. This can all be prevented with diagnosis and treatment as quickly as possible.

See your doctor

To get a correct diagnosis you will need to see your doctor. A list of UTI symptoms found online should be a guide only as an incorrect self diagnosis can lead to damage to your reproductive organs if your have another vaginal infection that isn't treated correctly.

If you have another vaginal infection that isn't treated in time you risk getting pelvic inflammatory disease ( PID ) which is an infection of your reproductive organs. Many women don't find out they have PID until the permanent damage has already been done.

Your options of treatment

Untreated urinary tract infections are not something you should be thinking about so you need a diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. If you can't get to see your doctor for a while you can find out about a urinary tract infection natural remedy here.

Natural Cures

urinary tract infections

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