Natural Health And Wellbeing

Recurring Bladder Infections

Recurring bladder infections are not a permanent problem even though they may seem to be to you at the moment. Most chronic bladder infections are caused by the treatment that you're using because the bacteria you're trying to kill has gotten too much exposure to antibiotics. Antibiotics also weaken your immune system, and kill off your body's beneficial bacteria, and these are needed to prevent infections from reoccurring after you have treated them.

Resistant bacteria

Some recurring bladder infections are caused by resistant bacteria, and the reasons bacteria become resistant are: Too much exposure to to antibiotics; using the wrong antibiotics; not finishing a course of antibiotics.

Antibiotics can cause you problems if they haven't been used as your doctor told you to use them, and some women don't even get their antibiotics from their doctor.

Purchasing antibiotics online without a prescription

A lot of women now purchase antibiotics online from an offshore company so they don't need to see their doctor first. This is more common with women who haven't got health insurance. The problem with doing this is, they have no idea what antibiotics to take, and how long they should be taken for.

This can easily cause resistant bacteria because only your doctor will know what antibiotics you need from looking at your history of previous prescriptions. If you've purchased numerous courses already then your doctor won't have this on their records so it could prevent you from getting the correct treatment even from your doctor in the future.

Using a natural cure for bladder infections

If you know you're definitely suffering from recurring bladder infections, and antibiotics are not curing you, you can use a natural treatment that will only take 12 hours to fully cure you. The antibiotics are weakening your immune system, and because the infection is now chronic, the bacteria are becoming resistant because of the constant exposure to the anti bacterial drugs.

A natural treatment will strengthen your immunity, and you have no chance of creating a resistant bacteria in your urinary tract. You can read more information on how a natural UTI cure will benefit you here - Mary Jo Barton's 12 Hour Bladder Infection Cure.

Natural Cures

urinary tract infections

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