Natural Health And Wellbeing

Natural Acid Reflux Treatment

A natural acid reflux treatment is now the preferred option for many GERD sufferers for the simple reason antacids and prescription drugs and medicines are having long term effects on their health. Acid reflux sufferers generally have the condition for life so if your in your 30's now you have an expected 30, 40 maybe 50 years of more taking the medication you're on now.

What antacids are doing to you

The first reason that you shouldn't use indigestion remedies long term is, they're only masking something that shouldn't be happening in the first place. Although you think that they've giving you relief from your acid reflux symptoms it's what they do when they're doing this that will effect your health long term.

First of all indigestion remedies neutralize your stomach acid. Your body needs stomach acid so it can digest your food properly. If your food isn't being digested properly it will ferment in your intestines, and this can make your GERD symptoms worse. Your stomach acid is also needed to kill off any microorganisms that get swallowed with your food. If these are not killed you can suffer more problems later in the digestive process.

If these microorganisms survive their way into your intestines they will start to feed on the fermented food. This means they will rob you of the few nutrients that are left in the food. This leads to you suffering from malnutrition, and this will show in your energy levels, and will start to show in your skin and completely effect the way that you feel.

Low stomach acid can also create Candida overgrowth in your intestines which will be impossible to cure if you continue using indigestion remedies. Candida overgrowth in yoru intestines will create a whole load of other symptoms as well that will have an effect on your health.

Constipation is another side effect of taking too many indigestion remedies, and then that leads to taking laxatives so you end up on another medication to counteract the first one you're taking.

An acid reflux natural approach

A natural acid reflux treatment will give you the knowledge you need so you can stop taking the antacids and prescription drugs that are effecting your health. It will also encourage you to eat healthier, a diet that is filled with healthier food is easier to digest, and the equality of food that an acid reflux sufferer chooses to eat is what can cause acid reflux in the first place.

Kathryn Whittaker's Stop Acid Reflux Now

Kathryn Whittaker has created a natural acid reflux treatment that is completely side effect free, and will eliminate the need for any medication. Kathryn Whittaker was a one-time acid reflux sufferer who decided to research her condition so she could alleviate all of her symptoms. Kathryn realized the antacids and the prescription medications were not doing her any good, and also realized the effects of acid reflux on her esophagus which is a higher chance of esophageal cancer.

Kathryn Whittaker's natural acid reflux treatment will teach you all that you need to know about curing your condition. Here's a few things that you will learn...

  • How to end your heartburn pain and cure the cause of your acid reflux
  • Quick cures for common acid reflux symptoms
  • How to stop your acid reflux symptoms - quickly, naturally and safely
  • How to stop the constant burping
  • 8 effective ways to treat acid reflux naturally - these tips are sure to put you on the fast track to good health
  • 15 complications that can arise from you having acid reflux and how to prevent them - if you read nothing else, you must know this vital information
  • How a few simple changes in your diet will reduce and even eliminate your acid reflux
  • And a lot more

Once you read this information you'll be glad you no longer have to spend the rest of your life taking any medication or over the counter indigestion remedies.

For more information, and what other acid reflux sufferers have to say about Kathryn's information visit - Kathryn Whittaker's Natural Acid Reflux Treatment.

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